Wednesday 15 May 2019

Linux Reseller Hosting, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Web Hosting Guides

Behind every great website we click on or engage with, there is a server providing the resources, bandwidth and space to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Web hosting has truly changed the way websites work – and this is especially true of Reseller Hosting, which has allowed many websites their share of valuable space online. In this article, we take it one step further to discuss, how Reseller Hosting works – especially when it comes to Linux. But first, let’s address the basics:

What is Reseller Hosting?

Say you have bought web hosting services from a parent web hosting firm, and you feel like you can rent these resources to other end users or interested parties. That’s Reseller Hosting, where you essentially resell the leased-out resources like disk space, bandwidth, RAM, CPU and make a neat profit. You will basically host third-party websites in the allocated space. So far, so good. We’ve discussed “what is Reseller Hosting” now let’s talk about the “how to start Reseller Hosting business”.

How to Start Reseller Hosting Business

Setting up a Reseller Hosting business is extremely beneficial – a physical server can host multiple reseller accounts. You will have to pay for initial costs while setting up a business, but once you get started your business will continue to grow and you can even make a healthy profit from it. So, let’s get you started.

First, choose the platform of the web server. You’ll need to dive into the mind of your customer to decide what kind of features they would like. Once you’ve determined the cost, you can buy a hosting package that fits in your budget and simultaneously serves the need of the customers you want to attract. Next, create a website that markets your Reseller Hosting business (make sure to invest time and money on this step. The website, is, after all, the face of your business).

Before you sign up customers, determine the price of the service. Do a comparative study of the market and base your price on it – you could either offer a lower price or give your customers more features than your competitors. Create plans if your customers differ in terms of requirements – you could go with the standard silver, gold and platinum packages to start with.

Once you have a set of customers, distribute the package amongst them, based on their requirements. Set up a payment plan and make sure your customers adhere to it.

A great way to ensure customer loyalty is to make sure you provide steady customer support. This will let your customer know that your business is more than just monthly payments. Providing them with the support they need will ensure long-term relationships with them, which will only help your business grow. You can check out a few more pointers and the checklist in this blog here.

Linux Reseller Hosting

We may be stating the obvious here, but web hosting is a dynamic and varied field – you have different choices for different requirements. In the reseller category, there are 2 popular options: Linux Reseller Hosting and Windows Reseller Hosting. Though similar in many ways, they each come with distinct advantages. Each operating system guarantees fantastic uptime – meaning your website will stay online day and night. But what does Linux offer you, specifically?

First, let’s tackle the question – what is Linux Reseller Hosting? If you’re using a Reseller Hosting service, the operating system is key. This is one of the first decisions you’ll make – Windows or Linux.

Why Linux?

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the Linux OS offers optimal speed and performance. Furthermore, Linux is compatible with MySQL and PHP. Also, the hardware and software used in Linux Reseller Hosting has proven to be dependable. Sounds good? Well, it gets better. A Linux Reseller Hosting service comes with a plethora of benefits, which we’ve listed below. Take a look at how Reseller Hosting works, when it comes to Linux, and what you can get out of it.

1. Security: Stepping into the big, bad online world can open you up to a security breach. Hackers can attack your website and steal valuable data like personal and financial information. You need to understand what kind of attacks might come your way and how your hosting provider is going to combat them. The Linux reseller service offers some of the most reliable and secure defences on the market. Also, if your website uses a scripting language like PHP then Linux is ideal.

2. Customisation and Control: If you’re looking to customise your site or have admin access then Linux is the choice for you. Although both Linux and Windows offer you customization options, Linux boasts of more features. This is ideal for admins or developers who are looking for more control. For instance, a tool like cPanel, which you will get when you buy Linux Hosting, will help you manage your website. It can help with the maintenance of your site, manage disk-space and make regular backups without the assistance of a trained administrator. As a web hosting service provider, it’s a cost-effective solution!This icon-based control panel provides you with all the features you need to set up a website. It allows you to install the applications you want or the software you choose, with just a few clicks. You can manage multiple domains, create multiple databases for your website and create new email accounts for your business purposes.

3. Cost-Effective: Many entrepreneurs today are equipped with great ideas and a fiery spirit. However, the lack of capital can often sink or silence an idea. Setting up your website hosting business with Linux Reseller Hosting is a more economical option. Unlike other Operating Systems, with Linux, you won’t need a large amount of funds to set up and operate Linux. It is an open source Operating System.

4. Compatibility: The online customer is virtually drowning in the mass of websites available these days. To really register, and make a niche for yourself, you need to be varied and different. This is where applications come in. With Linux, you can use a wide variety of apps like WordPress and Joomla and boost your website with blogs, e-commerce and various other features. Thanks to its open-sourced nature, Linux allows you to install more applications and its high compatibility factor ensures that these apps will run smoothly.

5. Stability: Reseller Hosting services are popular due to the stability they provide their end customers. Linux is a top-rated operating system when it comes to stability. Because Linux is open source (the gift that keeps giving) it can adapt easily to any kind of environment and can be both developed and updated frequently.

6. Support: Web developers working with Linux get tremendous support from the global Linux community. If you’ve got a bug, or are adding new functionalities or modifying apps, you can reach out to the community for help, solutions or ideas.

7. Multitasking: Linux optimises on disk space while giving you optimum performance. This means that you can run multiple applications at the same time, without having to stop one of them.


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