Monday 29 June 2020

A website is more than a collection of web pages and Web management is a variety of things. Web management includes designing the website, along with various administrative tasks such as web security and picking the right web hosting service. While a lot of things goes into making a website up and running, web hosting definitely tops the list. To help you better understand, we break hosting down with an analogy that you can easily understand. Imagine you’re opening a new store, for which you need a name, a location, staff, and products. Even if one of these essential items is missing, your store cannot open. The same goes for a website.

The four basic elements required to get your website up and running are: the domain name, a web server, maintenance staff, and content. In the hosting world, the site name, otherwise known as the domain name, is the first thing that’s need to be decided before anything else. For the potential customers, the first reference they have to a business or organization’s online presence is its domain name. When a website starts gaining momentum, the domain name becomes a valuable entity. Thus, choosing a good domain name is a crucial decision for any business and it is mostly a marketing decision. So, it’s important to understand the difference between the two.

Web Hosting, Hosting Reviews, Hosting, Compare Web Hosting

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is like an address where users can access your website. You cannot buy hosting and start designing your website until you have a domain name for the website. A domain name is the organization’s address on the Internet. It’s like an identity for finding computers on the Internet. It’s a name registered in the DNS that is universally identified by web servers and online organizations via the Internet. The DNS serves as the phone book for the Internet.  The Domain Name System (DNS) associate all sorts of information with domain names. Every computer on the Internet is uniquely identifiable by a DNS name that consists of a host name along with the names of all of its parent domains.

Web Hosting, Hosting Reviews, Hosting, Compare Web Hosting

What is Hosting?

After you choose a domain name and register it, the next step is to find a web hosting service. Web hosting is an Internet hosting service that allows your website to be accessible to the World Wide Web. A web hosting service provider has data centers and huge servers, through which it offers space and connectivity to its customers. The customers hire their services for hosting your data and website on their server. These services have special computers called as servers that are connected to the Internet. The servers are up and running 24/7 and store the HTML documents, images and other attributes associated with websites. Depending on the needs of your business, you can choose between a variety of web hosting services: free, shared, VPS, dedicated servers, and cloud hosting.

Difference between Domain and Hosting

Meaning of Domain vs. Hosting

A domain is an address where Internet users can access your website. It’s a name registered in the DNS that is universally identified by web servers and online organizations via the Internet. For the potential customers, the first reference they have to a business or organization’s online presence is its domain name.

Web hosting, on the other hand, is an Internet hosting service that allows your website to be accessible to the World Wide Web. Web hosting allows your site to be accessible to the world and your prospective customers available to the World Wide Web.

Function of Domain and Hosting

A domain name is the organization’s address on the Internet. You can’t buy hosting and start designing your website until you have decided on a name and have purchased the domain name. A domain represents an Internet Protocol address, an URL to find a website on the Internet. The IP address is a combination of numbers separated by dots.

The web hosting company rents you space on a computer connected to the Internet. It’s the responsibility of the web host service is to make sure the computer keeps working and the Internet connection stays alive all the time.

Services involved in Domain and Hosting

Domain and hosting are two different services that work together in conjunction to keep the website up and running. The Domain Name System (DNS) is decentralized directory that translates human-readable domain names such as into machine-readable IP addresses like

Web hosting services have data centers and huge servers, through which they offer space and connectivity to their customers. In addition, they also provide a variety of other features such as domain registration, email hosting service, internet connectivity, advanced security features, and more.

Domain vs. Hosting: Comparison Chart

Web Hosting, Hosting Reviews, Hosting, Compare Web Hosting

Friday 26 June 2020

The phpMyAdmin is a third-party tool to manage tables and data inside a database. It is graphical user interface to manage MySQL databases. You can manually create Tables, Import and Export data or edit the values of a row through it.

To access phpMyAdmin, click on the phpMyAdmin link, which can be found under the databases section of cPanel Home.

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Hosting Guides

You will see a dashboard similar to this.

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On the left hand pane, there is a list of databases, which can be expended to see the table in each database. On the right hand pane, there is general information of Database server.

Execute an SQL Query

To execute an SQL Query on a database, we will need to perform the following steps −

Step 1 − Select the database from left pane by clicking over the name of the database. Once the database is selected, it will show you the structure of the database.

Step 2 − Click on SQL from top bar to open SQL editor.

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Hosting Guides

Step 3 − Write your query into the SQL editor. You can also enter multiple queries, separated by semicolon (;).

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Hosting Guides

Step 4 − Click Go button to execute the query. If the query is executed successfully, you will get a success message.

Thursday 25 June 2020

cPanel Hosting, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

At its core, cPanel, is web hosting made simple. If you’re a small business owner looking to build and maintain a website, cPanel removes much of the complexity associated with site maintenance. cPanel is a browser-based control panel, complete with intuitive web tools, and can even remove the need for tech-teams and web administrators.

Since its release in 1996, cPanel users have found many use-cases for the hosting platform. Due to the platform’s remarkable usability and depth, even the least tech-savvy website owners can manage to take full advantage of the cPanel features. Using the dashboard, users can quickly install content management systems and manage domain names, databases, and site backups.

cPanel Features

Email: Customer communication is vital for building your business’s brand and alerting customers to new updates and offers at your organization. Managing business-specific email addresses and filters can be time and labor-intensive. cPanel offers a number of tools that allow website owners to control all aspects of their email strategy through simple user interfaces.

File Management: cPanel offers file management tools to help website owners reduce complexity when managing their email accounts, CMS platforms, and users accessing the site through FTP.

Domain Management: Building a site means creating sub-domains, adding domains to their hosting account and more. cPanel has features that allow for easy domain management, so they can focus on running their business instead.

Site Security: Due to recent regulations such as GDPR and CCTA, customer data privacy is more important than ever. cPanel gives website owners the power to secure their site from outside threats as well as secure access to their site server.

Final Thought

With its ease of use and wealth of features and functionality, cPanel is an easy choice for website owners looking to simplify their site management. No wonder the platform has become the industry standard for developers.

Monday 22 June 2020

Websites Hosting, Web Hosting, Reviews Hosting, Compare Web Hosting


Web hosting is a service of providing online space for storage of web pages. These web pages are made available via World Wide Web. The companies which offer website hosting are known as Web hosts.

The servers on which web site is hosted remain switched on 24 x7. These servers are run by web hosting companies. Each server has its own IP address. Since IP addresses are difficult to remember therefore, webmaster points their domain name to the IP address of the server their website is stored on.

It is not possible to host your website on your local computer, to do so you would have to leave your computer on 24 hours a day. This is not practical and cheaper as well. This is where web hosting companies comes in.

Types of Hosting

The following table describes different types of hosting that can be availed as per the need:

S.N. Hosting Description 
1 Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, the hosting company puts thousand of websites on the same physical server. Each customer has their own allocation of physical web space and a set of bandwidth limits. As all websites share the same physical memory, MYSQL server, an Apache server, one website on the server experiencing high traffic load will affect the performance of all websites on the server. 
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
It is also known as Virtual Dedicated Server. It is a server that is partitioned into smaller servers. This customer is given their own partition, which is installed with its own operating system. Unlike shared hosting, VPS doesn’t share memory or processor time rather it allocates a certain amount of memory and CPU to use which means that any problem on a VPS partition on the same drive will not affect other VPS customers. 
Dedicated Server
In this kind of hosting, a single dedicated server is set up for just one customer. It is commonly used by businesses that need the power, control, and security that a dedicated server offers. 
Reseller Hosting
A reseller acts as a middle man and sells hosting space of someone else’s server. 
Grid Hosting
Instead of utilizing one server, Grid Hosting spreads resources over a large number of servers. It is quite stable and flexible. The servers can be added or taken away from the grid without crashing the system. 

Web Hosting Companies

Following are the several companies offering web hosting service:

S.N. Hosting Company
Blue Host
Go Daddy 
Host Gator 
just Host 
Laughing Squid 
liquid Web 
Media TempleServInt 
Wired Tree 
10  Wild West Domains 
11  Wix 
12  WIPL 
13  Big Rock 

Friday 19 June 2020

Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting, DNS

What is DNS? Learn about its advantages and disadvantages

What is DNS? DNS is the Domain Name System, or the hierarchical system of nomenclature that orders the names of members who connect to IP networks, such as the Internet.

In this article we will briefly learn what DNS is, how it works, what it is used for and some of its advantages and disadvantages. What is DNS? Shall we begin?

What is DNS?

Although it also fulfils other “less popular” functions, DNS is a system that organizes web domain names and makes them more “intelligible” for all those who want to connect to the network.

As you probably already know, each of the devices that connect to the network has an IP number (Internet Protocol), which is the number that identifies that device as part of the network. It is something like what our physical address would be (our home address, for example), but in the network.

What happens with these numbers is that, like phone numbers, they are not usually easy to remember. They follow a structure like the following: XX.XXX.XX.XXX

And while it’s true that we usually remember or store phone numbers with a certain simplicity, imagine if you had to do the same with any web domain you wanted to access. The list would end up being endless and our management of the network would be much more cumbersome.

What is DNS? Let’s take an example.

Imagine you want to connect to Google. If there weren’t a system like DNS, every time you wanted to connect to Google you would have to search and type in a heavy string of numbers. And the same with any other place you’d like to access.

What the DNS system does is “to translate” the names we give to the domains to the IP language, so that the devices (client and server, in this case) can communicate satisfactorily without the need for us, as users, to know the IP numbers of each domain.

How does DNS work in practice?

DNS uses a hierarchical database that contains information about domain names.

If, for example, you try to access a web address from home, the DNS system goes through a whole series of steps.

Imagine that you make a request that requires a DNS search (for example, you type the name of a web page in the address bar of your browser). The first thing your computer will do is to send a request to the local DNS server of the operating system. This checks to see if the answer you need is in your computer’s cache (for example, if you’ve recently accessed that page, it’s likely that the information is still stored).

If it is not found in the cache, the request is sent over the Internet to one or more DNS servers, which will generally be those made available to its users by the Internet service provider you have contracted. If the required information is not found on these DNS servers either, the request will be sent to other external servers.

These are the steps that are followed, but how is the search structured? Let’s look at a key idea.

As we said before, the DNS search is hierarchical, and this is what explains the structure of domain names.

Domain names are divided into two or more parts, called tags, which are separated by dots. (For example,

The right label is called the top-level domain (the “org” in the example). The following on the left are called subdomains, and the one on the left most often expresses the name of the machine (it does not refer to a particular physical machine). The DNS system will use all this information to rank your searches.

Some advantages and disadvantages of the DNS system

For all of the above, you can already assume that the main advantage of the DNS system is that it greatly facilitates the use of the Internet, which would be much heavier and more difficult if we had to know all the IP addresses we wanted to access. But it’s not the only one.

Another considerable advantage is, for example, the stability it provides. For different reasons, IP addresses (e.g. servers serving a web page) may change, so if you want to access a website you not only need to know the IP address, but this information should also be up to date. If we had to do it ourselves, we would be faced with a very laborious task. On the contrary, the DNS system is in charge of updating the IP addresses in a much faster and constant way, avoiding an important effort.

However, like everything in this life, the DNS system also has some drawbacks, such as those related to security. For example, there is the possibility of one of the famous “DNS attacks”, in which the attacker replaces the real DNS address with a fraudulent one, with the aim of deceiving users and directing them (without them knowing it) to malicious addresses, usually with very bad intentions, such as taking over their bank details or other sensitive data. In addition, there are other types of fraudulent practices, such as the creation of domains very similar to the real ones (for example, replacing the letter “l” in the name with the number “1”) that can mislead users and direct them to harmful websites.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


WWW stands for World Wide Web. A technical definition of the World Wide Web is : all the resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

A broader definition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped found, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.

In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between computers on the Internet, tying them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources.

Internet and Web is not the same thing: Web uses internet to pass over the information.

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World Wide Web was created by Timothy Berners Lee in 1989 at CERN in Geneva. World Wide Web came into existence as a proposal by him, to allow researchers to work together effectively and efficiently at CERN. Eventually it became World Wide Web.

The following diagram briefly defines evolution of World Wide Web:

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WWW Architecture

WWW architecture is divided into several layers as shown in the following diagram:

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Identifiers and Character Set

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to uniquely identify resources on the web and UNICODE makes it possible to built web pages that can be read and write in human languages.


XML (Extensible Markup Language) helps to define common syntax in semantic web.

Data Interchange

Resource Description Framework (RDF) framework helps in defining core representation of data for web. RDF represents data about resource in graph form.


RDF Schema (RDFS) allows more standardized description of taxonomies and other ontological constructs.


Web Ontology Language (OWL) offers more constructs over RDFS. It comes in following three versions:

◉ OWL Lite for taxonomies and simple constraints.

◉ OWL DL for full description logic support.

◉ OWL for more syntactic freedom of RDF


RIF and SWRL offers rules beyond the constructs that are available from RDFs and OWL. Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) is SQL like language used for querying RDF data and OWL Ontologies.


All semantic and rules that are executed at layers below Proof and their result will be used to prove deductions.


Cryptography means such as digital signature for verification of the origin of sources is used.

User Interface and Applications

On the top of layer User interface and Applications layer is built for user interaction.

WWW Operation

WWW works on client- server approach. Following steps explains how the web works:

1. User enters the URL (say, of the web page in the address bar of web browser.

2. Then browser requests the Domain Name Server for the IP address corresponding to

3. After receiving IP address, browser sends the request for web page to the web server using HTTP protocol which specifies the way the browser and web server communicates.

4. Then web server receives request using HTTP protocol and checks its search for the requested web page. If found it returns it back to the web browser and close the HTTP connection.

5. Now the web browser receives the web page, It interprets it and display the contents of web page in web browser’s window.

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There had been a rapid development in field of web. It has its impact in almost every area such as education, research, technology, commerce, marketing etc. So the future of web is almost unpredictable.

Apart from huge development in field of WWW, there are also some technical issues that W3 consortium has to cope up with.

User Interface

Work on higher quality presentation of 3-D information is under deveopment. The W3 Consortium is also looking forward to enhance the web to full fill requirements of global communities which would include all regional languages and writing systems.


Work on privacy and security is under way. This would include hiding information, accounting, access control, integrity and risk management.


There has been huge growth in field of web which may lead to overload the internet and degrade its performance. Hence more better protocol are required to be developed.

Monday 15 June 2020

Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting, Hosting Guides

VOIP means Voice Over Internet Protocol and Colocation means co-locating the devices into fully secured and managed infrastructure. Every time this question arises that why to colocate VOIP equipment? The answer is- When you calculate the cost for personnel, Internet bandwidth, power, real estate, phone service, and air-conditioning; you will receive tremendous economies of scale as overhead cost is shared by the many customers in a Colocation facility – literally a fraction or the cost you would otherwise pay! With such large amounts of power usage comes a tremendous amount of heat, thus requiring special and very expensive air-conditioning units that you won’t find in a typical office building.

The colocation hosting services which are specifically designed for VOIP and businesses using it can be considered as the one of the redundant services. VOIP colocation services are provided to facilitate the more secured infrastructure resulting in cost saving. Taking many a things into consideration, in addition to having much better quality service, server colocation is much, much, less expensive and easier than trying to locate your servers within your office space.

Also Read: Web Hosting

VOIP involves a typical and different strategies of routing the calls. There can be different challenges associated with it considering the fact that it is one of the complex technologies which involves many peripherals. With pressure to create efficiencies in communications spending and cut overall costs, VOIP customers customized VOIP and IP Telephony solutions. One can reduce overhead costs using VoIP Colocation and Hosting services. Avoid the hassles of a phone room filled with expensive equipment that requires additional office space and personnel to manage. Save dramatically on power usage for cooling systems and the need for high bandwidth by taking advantage of the benefits of VoIP Colocation and Hosting services.

Colocation service providers generally provide the server colocation facility rather than VOIP colocation. But there are few service providers who provides such facility in order to make this convenient for the users. ”There are hundreds of companies offering server hosting and colocation, but generally very few offers services specifically for VoIP with direct access to their own carrier-class network. Since these servers are located in data center, they are looped directly into world class voice network providing superior latency and call quality.

Friday 12 June 2020

The cPanel FTP Session interface shows current users, which are logged in to website through FTP. This interface is helpful and it helps you to terminate unwanted connections with one click.

To access this feature, click FTP Sessions link from the Files section of cPanel.

cPanel - FTP Sessions, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Guides, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

It will open an interface in which it will show the current users who are logged into your site. If no user has logged in, it will display the message that no users have logged in.

cPanel - FTP Sessions, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Guides, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

Here it will show the following information −

User Displays username of logged in user liptanxy
Logged in Form   Displays IP address or hostname of user’s system
Login Time   Displays Login Time of User  Thu Jan 21 13:50:03 2016
Status  Displays Sessions status  IDLE
Process ID   System’s FTP Session Process ID  203299
Actions  Terminate the connection  Disconnect

Terminate a FTP Connection

If you think that any user is not doing any activity and is in IDLE mode for a long time, or if you think a user is uploading a very large file, or doing something malicious, you can terminate the connection by clicking the disconnect button from Actions. You will see the following prompt.

cPanel - FTP Sessions, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Guides, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

Click on Disconnect “User”, and user’s FTP connection will be terminated instantly.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Benefits of Server Virtualization

Virtual Server, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting

Server virtualization has been in the trend for a couple of last years and it is a reality that knocks companies, bringing numerous benefits to all who seek the resource savings and a more effective IT management. Furthermore, it is a green technology.

Server virtualization is the concept of taking a physical server and, with the help of virtualization software, partitioning the server, or dividing it up, so that it appears as multiple “virtual servers,” each of which can run their copy of an operating system.

To give a broader view of server virtualization, here is a comprehensive list of advantages and disadvantages, which can be compensated by using a cloud provider with recognized market action.

Let’s check out the advantages and disadvantages of Virtual Server.

Advantages of Virtual Server:

1. Facilities to be simplified, space-saving, time and cost-saving.

2. Centralized management and Full compatibility with applications.

3. Greater availability and easier recovery in case of disaster.

4. The ability for running backups and can use multiple operating system environments on the same computer.

5. Controlled access to sensitive data and intellectual property by keeping them safe inside the data center.

6. Best use of space: the fewer physical devices installed, the greater the availability of space in racks.

7. Migrating servers to new hardware transparently.

8. Reliability and Availability – the failure of software does not affect the other services.

9. The cost reduction is possible using small virtual servers on a more powerful single server.

10. Adapting to different workloads, which can be treated simply. Typically, virtualization software reallocates hardware resources dynamically between a virtual machine and another.

11. Load balancing: the whole virtual machine is encapsulated. Thus, it becomes easy to change the virtual machine platform and increase its performance.

12. Support for legacy applications: when a company decides to migrate to a new operating system, you can keep your old operating system running in a virtual machine, which reduces the cost of migration.

13. Reduction of personnel costs, power, and cooling by using less physical equipment.

14. Better utilization of hardware – the hardware sharing by virtual machines is reduced to idle equipment.

15. Creates independent user environments. Keeping everything separate is especially useful for purposes like software testing.

16. Reduced downtime.

17. Ease of migration environments – prevents reinstallation and reconfiguration of systems to be migrated.

Disadvantages of Virtual Server:

1. The biggest disadvantage of virtual servers is that if or when the server goes offline, all the websites hosted by it will also go down. Hence, to solve this, the company could set up a cluster of servers.

2. Management – virtual environments need to be instantiated (create instances on virtual machines), monitored, configured and saved.

3. Difficulty indirect access to hardware, for example, specific cards or USB devices.

4. Performance – currently, there are no consolidated methods to measure the performance of virtualized environments.

5. When several virtual machines are running on the same host, performance maybe hindered if the computer it’s running on lacks sufficient power.

6. Huge RAM consumption since each virtual machine will occupy a separate area of the same.

7. It requires multiple links in a chain that must work together cohesively.

8. Great use of disk space, since it takes all the files for each operating system installed on each virtual machine.

The advantages and disadvantages of virtualization are a clear indicator that it can be a useful tool for individuals, entrepreneurs, and enterprises when used properly.

Monday 8 June 2020

Dedicated Server, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

Work in modern organizations is difficult to imagine without a server. Without it, data is disjointed, is stored on different computers and even when using network, is quite difficult to pull together when needed for the job. And so what about a situation when database is in daily use? You could never do this without a server.

Previously, many organizations are saved on the server using this as a regular computer. They did not meet the main requirements for servers, but this was ignored in order to save. As a result, when the computer is denied, information is lost, which cost far more than it would cost a dedicated server. Or, if you need to increase the capacity of the system, had to buy a new computer, which is why, again, the economy turned out to be doubtful.

Performing even the simplest functions of the office server, such as mail-server, file / print server, shared Internet access, applications for small workgroups, the server for small databases, the personal computer is subjected to the voltage for which it is perfect. Mode without turning off the power for which it is not intended, wears all parts of the machine physically, and it may be said to be destroyed in one or two years. The velocity of its work is often a serious impediment to business. And in that moment when the personal computer “dies”, with it freezes all the activities of the firm, the entire database, all the contacts and stuff which was on the server. This can be compared with a small disaster for the company.

To solve a similar problem, a server specialized computer can be used that is designed for this purpose. But first,  to understand the difference between a server and personal computer is important.

First of all (and this is probably the most important) – the server differs a great in reliability. The fact that failures of servers come in two forms – one is planned when they take the technical work (maintenance, upgrades) and unplanned, when the server “lies”. In the first case, the server shuts down intentionally, in the most convenient time and usually in such cases, it does not bring inconvenience to users virtually.

The second case – the theme for the subject of conversation. The fact that most things on the server can be changed at run time and has only one element fail, the person who looks after it, right there, it should make a dead piece of labor. These details are most often going down the fans and power supplies (if not supported by redundancy), with hard drives and expansion cards. Thus, there will be no downtime. That is, unplanned downtime can occur only because of  IT-specialist, if he had not found problem on time and did not eliminate it, if one or more hard drives and so on are out of order. Moreover, until now there are companies where the leadership sees nothing wrong with that server is also a working machine programmer. This leads to the fact that the additional software installed is conflicting with the system, causing disruptions.

In addition, the server may refuse to work if it is subjected to intentional remote attack. It can be organized as a local area network and the Internet. Therefore, you must take care of server security.

In recent years, various databases are greatly developed, changing the format for storing and processing data, database servers came. File servers are only for storing user files and archives.

Increasingly, networks are now based on terminal servers. This system allows you to save users in the workplace, as all software and files are located on the server and the terminal can be a pretty simple machine. In addition, significant savings are achieved at the expense of installing and maintaining software. For serious work, it is important and acquired servers are much more carefully maintained.

Thus, buying a server and using it for its intended purpose, rather than establishing an ordinary personal computer, the company invests in its future, because this investment will pay for itself through increased productivity, saving time on maintenance and improving stability.

Saturday 6 June 2020

VPS Hosting Servers, Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews

The Virtual Servers or VPS Server will provide a complete security solution for complete integration and effective management of information.

Benefits Of VPS Hosting Services

Proper Hiring of Virtual Servers Guarantees: Increased service availability, stability in managing your information, improved performance of virtual packages, total control over your virtual server, access routes and different conditions of their private emails, cost savings since the hardware does not rent a dedicated server, creating unlimited hosting accounts and wonderful possibility of reselles and hosting countless websites and the possibility of sending and receiving unlimited mails.

They offer great flexibility compared to dedicated servers for a very low price fractions to others can find packages that fit your budget perfectly, ensuring full coverage in your service according to the requirements in the management of your business.

Other Advantages Of Virtual Servers

Another advantage of technology in the use of virtual servers is the ability to access all your information and pursue management from any software you want, networked all of its services and can be accessed from an account user or administrator to your company’s information base, also installing any software you want or making any changes to the configuration of your server.

You can make any modifications to your server and it is best to be using your service like a dedicated server client. You can perform the most basic functions from any software and restart your server, do any reinstallation, can perform backups and any other so-called fundamental task of network management, and the use of this service for sole purpose of your business and its total compliance objectives.

This service also offers a very low cost compared to a service that offers dedicated hosting where the differences are minimal, and instead much greater benefits in terms of economy.

The virtual servers are relatively flexible when compared with shared storage servers. Remember, find the plans that best suit your pocket and keep track of web processes to help you improve your business experience.

Friday 5 June 2020

Colocation Services, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

Importance of Colocation Server

Every business works towards growth. As the internet presence of any business has now become the most crucial need, the need to use an efficient web hosting service has become their top priority. A growing business needs to use its own dedicated web server or servers to efficiently control the security and website operations, and the critical data management.

But at the same time, creating an efficient data center to host these servers can quickly pose lots of difficulties in managing it. A data center needs huge infrastructure costs, 24-hours on-site experienced technical and management support teams to manage all the data center requirements, servers, and data. It also needs very efficient cooling system, proper data-storage environment, climate-controlling systems like air-conditioners, complete fire protection, hyper speed connectivity, 100% uptime, round the clock monitoring of systems, redundant power supply, and security for all these systems, for example, using CCTV security surveillance systems, other security methods to prevent unauthorized use of the data center, among other such important things.

Needless to say, the best option for the business is to hire one of the best colocation services in close vicinity to be able to monitor the web servers when needed. However, it can be very difficult for the business to find a good colocation center without expertly knowing which one to select depending on the needs of its business requirements and the safety and management of its own web servers.

Architecture of Colocation Server

The following features should at least be looked for in a colocation service before making the choice to use their colocation services for your online business requirements, and moving your web servers to their data center. The initial scrutiny of any colocation service needs the following 5 factors to be checked:

Location Of The Colocation Services

Once the choice of a few selected colocation servers is made, it is better to opt for a colocation service that is closer to your place. This is because, as you will need to visit the colocation service’s data center to monitor and manage your server from time to time, it is better to choose the service that is within comfortable traveling limits. Although this may seem like a trivial matter, it is very important that you should be able to control your web servers and other equipment’s at all times.

Colocation Services’ Experience And Reputation In The Field

The colocation service should have many years of experience and should have services many businesses over that period of time. The colocation service must have a great overall reputation for the quality and reliability of its services. These 2 factors provide the information about the stability, reliability, expertise, and the risks-free nature of the colocation service provider.

Furthermore, checking for any bankruptcy filed by the data center helps tremendously as many top data center are in deep monitory troubles despite the fact that colocation is a growing business, and that fact can be found only if you look particularly for such details.

The colocation services must stay up to date on colocation advancements and should have the best infrastructure facilities, redundant power and cooling systems, experienced and efficient staff to manage all activities, security systems, experts in overall management of the data center, and other such things to help them become very reputable and become extremely reliable. With such a service, your servers are safe and you can expect a longer and very fruitful association with the colocation service.

Infrastructural and Staffing

Needless to say, the infrastructure of the colocation services and the staffing of expert technicians in the field are the 2 most important features of any good colocation service. The data center building must be built according to the prevalent high standards specific to this field with raised floors, ample space, better building materials, and maintaining the balance of the eco-system.

The essential services like the redundant power resources, redundant environmental control systems with perfect cooling systems, multiple fiber optic redundant and very high-speed global connections, and other such networking necessities must be present at the colocation service.

The maintenance and technical staffs that are highly experienced and experts in the field must be present 24 hours a day to overlook the management of the facilities and manage any problems instantaneously. There should be other staff present like expert managers, security staff, and other such members to take care of all other things besides the actual internet related services.

Connectivity Provided By The Colocation Services

Any top-tier data center offering colocation services must contain secure, remote, and upgraded colocation hosting facilities with high-quality fiber optic data network equipment’s. This ensures very high-speed reliable internet connectivity. Presently, the internet connectivity has managed speed of nearly 10 Gigabits per second. As the colocation services offer direct collectively to the internet using their own equipment’s, the need to hire other services is eliminated and the unrestricted and highest internet connectivity speeds are achieved.

This means greater power and a faster bandwidth for the business website owners that hire the colocation facilities. The redundant nature of the connectivity, power and cooling resources of the colocation services means unconstrained operations for the online businesses, resulting in nonstop and faster services offered by them to all their online users.

Colocation Service Fees And Terms Of Services

The best colocation services offer variety of top quality web services to their users usually at very affordable rates. But affordable rates alone do not imply great overall quality of the colocation services. Hence it is imperative to research for the best colocation service that offers top quality web services and also offers a great price that is affordable to the business organizations and also to the individuals who require colocation service.

The colocation services offer a variety of packages that can be upgraded at any time, and also include custom packages to enable the customers plenty of options to choose from and fulfill the needs of their websites and their budgetary allocations.

The terms of services are important too. It also means that a customer can hire the colocation services for a long time without requiring their servers and equipment’s to be shifted and new IP addresses to be procured in case they find the service has unsuitable or even unethical practices. Adhering to the proper terms of services from the beginning also eliminates avoidable any future legal proceedings and maintaining a good relationship between the colocation services and their customers.

So, these are some of the precautions that are necessary before choosing a good colocation service for placing your web servers and related equipment’s and acquiring high-end colocation services.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Server Hosting, Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

The server includes:

◉ Very fast processor
◉ Large memory
◉ Large capacity drives
◉ Connect to high-speed line T1 (connected to the outside world).

Hardware is hosted in very large office buildings or data centers. In rooms with climate control, the racks of dedicated servers are stored. Most servers can boast that they are in working order 99% of the time, and more. This impressive figure and one more reason to enjoy a host server. Remember how often you had rebooted my computer?

Software. (Operating System)

In the market there are different operating systems. It is possible that your server uses Apache, or Linux, the open source software. Dedicated Servers must be protected and the application of open source in most cases contain less bugs and more secure than their opponent – a product of Microsoft.

These servers provide an interface to access and configure them, the so-called control panel. Some of the panel are different from other more complex. Depending on your knowledge and skills in the technical field, should look for this circumstance when choosing a host.

Protocol. (FTP)

To send the page to the server you need it “loaded” by executing a file transfer protocol (FTP, file transfer protocol). FTP – a client (for you) application server. If you have created your Web page in your own desktop, it is obvious that in order to open this page for general use, you must download it to your server. FTP-protocol is also used to exchange files between your and other computers.

Monday 1 June 2020

SSD Web Hosting, Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews

In recent times, SSD has gained popularity as a data storage technology and is widely popular in web hosting too. Let us quickly understand what SSD is, its benefits and should you opt for SSD-based hosting.

What is SSD?

SSD stands for Solid-State Drive. SSD has no moving parts. On the contrary, it uses flash memory to store data onto the drive. Owing to this, your drive doesn’t heat up, is able to read/write data at a faster rate, as well as, consumes less energy as compared to HDD (Hard Disk Drive).

What are the benefits of SSD:

There are several reasons for you as a business to opt for SSD based web hosting. Here are the top 5 benefits of SSD:

1. High Performance

In the SSD drive, the data is read directly from the storage area. Unlike HDD, there are no rotation heads or magnetic disks and hence the read/write rate of SSD drive is higher. This, in turn, improves the performance of SSD.

2. Hardware Reliability

SSD has no moving parts as there is no magnetic coating or read/write head. Hence, they are free of distortions. No moving parts also imply minimal breakage or wear out of the storage drive. Hence, SSDs are more reliable, as well as, efficient.

3. Faster Speed

SSD uses flash memory to store data thus, it performs 300% faster than HDD drive. These functions include Read/Write time, response time, file transfers, etc. Moreover, the time taken to boost SSD too is less as it takes barely 10-13 seconds.

4. Less Power Consumption

The average power drawn by SSD is less than 2W. This significantly reduces power consumption and saves energy, making SSD more environmentally friendly. 


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