Wednesday 20 October 2021

Magento: Magento is a powerful open-source e-commerce web application written in PHP. It was developed by Magento, inc 31 march 2008. Magento was built using Zend framework, it uses the entity attribute value(EAV) database model to store value and there is only free version available by the an Magento community edition. Magento provides the power to manage e-commerce stores by providing incorporate working with resources like categories, products, and sales orders. Magento is a highly flexible and customizable framework.

WordPress: WordPress is a free open-source framework developed by Matt Mullenweg 27 May 2003. It is based on a Content management system(CMS) written in PHP and created primarily in PHP MySQL, JavaScript. It is used for creating a dynamic website with the help of pre-installed plugins. WordPress has thousands of the plugin that is highly customizable and WordPress include PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript for developing a website. WordPress core and plugin are written in PHP. MySQL Database is used for storing website information. HTML is used for building the basic structure of your website and CSS is used for the visual styling of the website. JavaScript is used for action and interactivity.

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Difference Between Magento and WordPress:

Magento WordPress 
Magneto is developed for creating online-commerce stores. WordPress is used to create blogs, business websites and simple online stores using third-party plugins.
Magento has a more complex installation process.  WordPress is easy to install and easy to use as CMS.
Magneto has advanced data protection. WordPress has Basic data protection. 
In Magento, build-in tools for basic and advanced SEO optimization.  In WordPress, for SEO use a third-party plugin.
Magento is larges comprised of CMS pages. It is created from posts and pages.
It is more secure as compared to WordPress. It is less secure as compared to Magento.
It Includes Marketing, Promotions, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Site Management, Catalog Management, Catalog Browsing, Product Browsing, Checkout, Payment, Shipping, and Order Management. It Includes Simplicity, Flexibility, Publish with Ease, Publishing Tools, User Management, Media Management, Full Standards Compliance, Easy Theme System.


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