Wednesday 19 August 2020

What Are Domain Name System Security Extensions, Web Hosting Reviews, Compare Web Hosting

Domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC) are a set of protocols that add a layer of security to the domain name system (DNS) lookup and exchange processes, which have become integral in accessing websites through the Internet. While DNSSEC cannot protect how data is distributed or who can access it, the extensions can authenticate the origin of data sent from a DNS server, verify the integrity of data and authenticate nonexistent DNS data.

Understanding DNS

Understanding DNSSEC first requires a basic knowledge of how website addresses work. The actual Internet protocol (IP) addresses used by websites are a series of numbers separated by dots. Although this address system is very efficient for computers to read and process, it is extremely difficult for people to remember. To solve this problem, domain names are attached to the numeric IP addresses. What has come to be known as website addresses are actually domain names.

Domain name information is stored and accessed on special servers, known as domain name servers, that convert domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. The top level of the DNS resides in the root zone where all IP addresses and domain names are kept in databases and sorted by top-level domain name, such as .com, .net and .org.

DNSSEC Development

When DNS was first implemented, it did not include any security, and soon after being put into use, several vulnerabilities were discovered. As a result, a security system was developed in the form of extensions that could be added to existing DNS protocols. This system was later vetted, modified and approved as a standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

After several test deployments, beginning in 2007, DNSSEC was officially deployed on the root level in 2010 for addresses using the .org top-level domain. In late 2010 and 2011, .com, .net and .edu top-level domains were updated for DNSSEC, and implementation continues for country-specific top-level domains. By November 2011, over 25 percent of all top-level domains had been included.

How DNSSEC Works

The original purpose of DNSSEC was to protect Internet clients from counterfeit DNS data by verifying digital signatures embedded in the data. If the digital signatures in the data match those that are stored in the master DNS servers, then the data is allowed to continue to the client computer making the request.

DNSSEC uses a system of public keys and digital signatures to verify data. These public keys can also be used by security systems that encrypt data as it is sent through the Internet and then decrypt it when it is received by the intended recipient. However, DNSSEC cannot protect the privacy or confidentiality of data because it does not include encryption algorithms. It only carries the keys required to authenticate DNS data as genuine or genuinely not available.

The implementation of DNSSEC required several new types of records to be created for DNS. These record types are as follows:

◉ DS

The RRSIG record is the digital signature, and it stores the key information used for validation of the accompanying data. The key contained in the RRSIG record is matched against the public key in the DNSKEY record. The NSEC family of records, including NSEC, NSEC3 and NSEC3PARAM, is then used as an additional reference to thwart DNS spoofing attempts. The DS record is used to verify keys for subdomains.

The specific process used for a DNSSEC lookup varies by the type of server used to make or send the query. Recursive name servers, often operated by Internet service providers (ISPs), use a unique process for DNSSEC validation. Servers running Microsoft Windows use what are known as stub resolvers, which also require a specific process.

No matter which process is used, the verification of DNSSEC keys requires starting points called trust anchors. Trust anchors are included in operating systems or other trusted software. After a key is verified through the trust anchor, it must also be verified by the authoritative name server through the authentication chain, which consists of a series of DS and DNSKEY records.

Issues with DNSSEC

While DNSSEC dramatically increases Internet security, recent discoveries have shown that it may cause a new vulnerability, which is known as zone enumeration. DNS zone data has traditionally been kept private because it includes network information for specific websites and servers. Anyone who can obtain this information would have a much simpler time preparing and implementing an Internet attack.

The original DNSSEC required that DNS servers reveal all DNS zone data so that a definitive report could be generated when a domain name is not found. However, newer versions of DNSSEC use one or more workarounds, which often make use of the NSEC3 records.

Monday 17 August 2020

Web Hosting, Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews

Every business today needs a website to sustain in the competitive market and to ensure that customers can access their services 24/7. This growing need to go online has forced business owners and SMEs to navigate the world of technology which might not be their primary expertise. Even for the technologically savvy ones, understanding different technical aspects can be easier said than done. With hosting companies offering a range of options, it is essential for businesses to understand the nuances of the services offered.

There are several factors from the hosting server to the bandwidth available that may impact the performance of the website. One such crucial factor is bandwidth provided by your hosting service provider.

What Is Web Hosting Bandwidth?

Among several important parameters influencing the performance of the website, such as speed, storage space, etc., bandwidth is the most difficult to understand. Web hosting bandwidth can be defined as the rate at which data can be transferred between your website, users, and the internet, in a given amount of time.

We can use the analogy of a highway to understand bandwidth. Traffic is the number of bits that are transferred. The number of lanes is the bandwidth which determines how many bits can be transferred in a said amount of time.

Bandwidth can also be compared to a water pipe. The water flowing through the pipe is the data that is being transferred, while the width of the pipe is the bandwidth that determines the amount of data that can be transferred.

A restaurant setup further illustrates the point. Higher the number of tables, higher is the number of diners that can dine at any given point in time. So, to put it simply, the higher the bandwidth, the better the speed, connectivity, etc.

Higher bandwidth will ensure that a greater number of visitors will be able to use your website at the optimum speed and completely enjoy the experience that you have created for them.

What Is Bandwidth Usage?

The website bandwidth usage will depend on a number of factors, including the media files on your website, web design, the code of the website, and to an extent, even the content on your website.

The number of visitors and the pages visited by each user also plays an important part here. So, if all your users exit the website after checking say, only one page, the bandwidth usage will be less compared with an instance when users load multiple or even all the pages on the website.

To further use the analogy we used earlier, the number of lanes on a highway is the bandwidth, and the traffic at any given moment is the bandwidth usage. If the highway has the capacity of 40 cars passing a certain stretch at any given moment, then that is the maximum bandwidth available.

Suddenly, if there are more cars on the highway, there would be a traffic jam and no one would be able to move anywhere. Similarly, if your website has a certain bandwidth, and if the usage increases beyond that limit, your users will not be able to load your website.

How Much Bandwidth Do You need?

It is vital for you to purchase bandwidth that suits you best. If you purchase a plan with lower bandwidth, your users will have a negative experience impacting your brand equity and sales. On the other hand, if you purchase a plan with higher bandwidth, you will end up paying more for something that could have been avoided.

So, how do you calculate the bandwidth that you need?

While it is impossible to determine the exact bandwidth that your business will need each month, you can derive an estimate based on historical data. You will need:

1. Average Page Size
2. Average Number of Visitors per Month
3. Average Page Views per Visitor

Bandwidth = Average Page Size * Average Monthly Visitors * Average Pages Viewed Per Visitor

E.g., Your website gets 5000 visitors per month, with each visitor viewing about 4 pages. Let’s assume the size of each page is approximately 5 MB. This results in your per month bandwidth being:

5MB * 5000 * 4 = 1,00,000MB (100 GB).

This is one of the basic methods that will give you a rough estimate of the bandwidth you might need.

However, these estimates do not take into account the spike in the number of visitors that might occur as a result of your marketing activity or one of your social media posts going viral. If such a thing were to happen, your website would slow down. You would have to purchase additional bandwidth to deal with such a situation immediately.

While traditional hosting options may not be easily scalable, you can opt for Cloud Hosting to deal with such unexpected eventualities. With Cloud Hosting, you can easily scale your web hosting bandwidth with a click of a button. It does not require any additional physical hardware or any complicated setups, one click and your new users will experience the website the way it was meant to be.

Types of Bandwidth Offered 

Web Hosting providers offer two types of bandwidths with their hosting plans:

1. Metered Bandwidth – There is a pre-specified limit to the bandwidth offered, and overages are charged. Once you buy a plan with Metered Bandwidth, you get a bandwidth limit, for example, 30TB. If you exceed this limit, the company will charge you for the overages.

2. Unmetered Bandwidth – This means that your hosting provider does not measure the bandwidth used by you. You pay the cost of the hosting plan and use as much bandwidth as you need.

Summing Up

Hosting service providers offer a range of plans from 1GB bandwidth to unlimited bandwidth. Every website has specific bandwidth requirements. If you have a new website, you may track your usage over a month before the site goes live to get an idea.

An eCommerce website with dynamic traffic will require high bandwidth as compared to a static blog. Let’s see some approximate numbers, shall we? A medium-sized eCommerce website with a 100kb page, close to 1000 daily visitors will need a bandwidth of at least 8.5GB per month. Now consider a good blog with a page size of 50kb, close to 20,000 visitors per month, and average 5 page views per visitor. Having 700 visitors daily means this is a popular and active blog and will require a bandwidth of 5GB per month. On the other hand, a small and static blog can run efficiently with even 1GB bandwidth per month. 

Friday 14 August 2020

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Review

Web hosting terms can be a bit confusing especially when you are shopping around for a new web host. Sometimes definitions can be overly technical. However, in order to dispel some of the confusion, you can use this handy web hosting glossary:

Types of Hosting

◉ Dedicated hosting - A hosting account where only one web host has control of the entire server. All resources are allocated to one account.
◉ Linux Server - A server that uses Linux, a free, open source operating system used by most shared and free web hosts
◉ Reseller Hosting - Where a block of server resources is sold to an individual for purposes of using it to host multiple domains under their own name
◉ Server - A computer that delivers information to other computers. Your website will likely reside on a server that is owned by your web host
◉ Shared hosting - Where a website account resides on a server that is shared with other accounts. System resources are shared between all accounts. Most personal and business sites can use shared hosting without exceeding system specifications.
◉ VPS Hosting - Virtual Private Server, is a server that is partitioned with each section acting as its own server. Typically this is less expensive than a dedicated server but has more flexibility and functionality than a shared plan
◉ Windows Server - A server that uses Windows as the operating system. This type of plan is typically more expensive but necessary to accommodate specific applications

Choosing a Plan

◉ Add on Domain - A separate web site that is included in your account sharing the resources of whatever plan you are on.
◉ Bandwidth - The amount of data transfer that is used on your account. This occurs every time someone visits or uses your site, an email is sent or received or files are uploaded and downloaded.
◉ Dedicated IP - An IP address that is used solely by your website. This is necessary if using SSL to accept payment via the website
◉ Disk Space - The amount of space allocated to you on the server to store files, pages, emails, and more.
◉ Parked Domain - A separate domain that points to your existing account. Often people purchase the .com and .net versions of their domain. If you use either one the same information will be displayed
◉ SSL - Secure Socket Layer, a means of encryption commonly used for Ecommerce sites so accepting credit cards is secure. You will see "https://" in the address bar when you are using a secure page
◉ Uptime - The amount of time the server is uninterrupted and your website is accessible. This is typically shown as a percentage. You want a high uptime (99% and above) so as not to disrupt access to your site

Setting up your Site

◉ .htaccess - Allows you to set parameters on specific files. It is most often used for permissions to determine what access is allowed to a particular file
◉ FTP - File Transfer Protocol, a means of uploading and downloading files. Most hosts allow this with some having added feature availability such as anonymous FTP and the ability to assign accounts so others can transfer files
◉ SSH - Secure Shell, a means of file transfer. Many shared hosts will not allow this type of file transfer

Email Terms

◉ Auto Responder - A way to automatically send an email in response to one received. Often used for "away" messages such as when on vacation and typical response times may be delayed
◉ Catch All - An email address that will receive any email that is sent to your account without an already assigned email address
◉ IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol is a way to retrieve mail. It leaves a copy on the server until deleted permanently. Convenient for people who use multiple computers and email clients such as at work and home
◉ Mailing List - Allows you to mail a group of people at once. Often used by businesses for news updates to clients
◉ Pop 3 - An email protocol that allows you to retrieve emails from the server
◉ SMTP - An email protocol allowing you to send emails. Most web hosts allow you to use the server to send email. However, some ISP's require you to use their servers to send email when using their service as opposed to your web host
◉ Spam - Unsolicited bulk mail typically used to attempt to sell services or products. Many hosts will provide a way to control spam automatically
◉ Webmail - A way to send and receive email via the Internet without the need for a separate email software


◉ Blog - A web site or portion of a web site that has individual entries of various types. Typical blog posts include links, news about one's site, commentary on the world, pictures, video and more. Blogs are also used as a tool to drive business to one's site as blog posts are given greater weight by search engines.
◉ CMS - Short for Content Management System. CMS is a way of organizing and managing the content of a website easier so it is displayed professionally but easy to modify
◉ Control Panel - The control panel is the central hub for a web hosting account. This is where the user modifies and controls all aspects of their web hosting such as adding new domains and sub domains, uploading web pages and installing server applications
◉ Error Pages - What comes up when a person attempts to access a web page that is either unavailable due to a server issue or attempting to access an unregistered domain.
◉ Fantastico - A commercial script library available to automate web application installation
◉ Forum - A web based message board where users can post questions or problems and receive answers from other users or the host of the board
◉ Guestbook - A web page where a person can leave their contact information and comments about the site or request more information. Web page designers include these to get feedback from the visitors to the site
◉ Language Support - The types of programming languages that will work with your hosting account. You should make sure you have (and most do) PHP and Perl at a minimum
◉ MySQL - A database system that is often included in hosting packages. It is commonly used with a variety of applications
◉ WordPress - The most popular blogging software available. It is free, open source software that is extremely customizable and is often used as a CMS. Many hosts provide this as a one click installation

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Web Hosting, Web Hosting Review, Compare Web Hosting, Web Host

A website can be utilized for either personal or professional reasons. For personal reasons many people choose to chronicle their lives, blog about something they are interested in or share photos with friends and family. For businesses, a web site is a necessity. In fact, many people these days use the presence of a web site as a method for determining the legitimacy of a company and often they prefer to use the Internet to conduct their business.

Whether looking to enable a web presence for the first time, or if you are simply unhappy with your existing service, you will need to find a web host provider. In order to ensure you have the best possible service there are several items you should consider. When shopping around keep these five important questions in mind:

1. Reliability: How often will your site be unavailable? Reliability or uptime is of vital importance and something that should be carefully considered before choosing a host. For business websites this is even more important than personal.

When a website is down it may be irritating for a personal website but it can translate to hundreds, even thousands of dollars in revenue lost for businesses. Keep in mind, though that claims of 100% uptime are likely not accurate so be wary of these claims. The fact is there are times where there may be an unforeseen problem or scheduled maintenance causing your website to be unavailable for a short period of time.

What is important to determine is the actual uptime percentage for the company as a whole as well as the specific server where your website will reside. All web hosts should have this historical data available. You should also determine how scheduled outages are handled. When possible the better web hosts schedule down time well in advance and during non-peak times. With today's technology there is no excuse for any web host to have a low uptime percentage.

2. Customer Service:

Will you get help when you need it? Customer service is sometimes one of those aspects people are willing to compromise in order to get a lower cost. But before you decide this is not important to you, consider your frustration and potential loss of income if you cannot get help when you need it.

Customer service may include pre sales questions, billing and technical support. Many web hosts have a variety of methods for you to get answers to your questions so that you can do so quickly and thoroughly. Choose the host that has the best combination of options that you feel will suit your needs best.

Available options include the following:

- Telephone support - this is where a live operator will deal with your issues. Consider availability (24/7 phone support or business hours only?), hold times and knowledge of representatives.
- Email support - this is typically handled via a help desk system where your query is put into a queue and answered in the order it comes in. Consider the length of time it takes for a response and how thorough the response is. Live Internet chat - this is where you actually chat on the Internet with a representative. Consider amount of time it takes for an operator to respond and available times for this service.
- Knowledge Base/FAQ - this is simply a listing of common questions and answers. A well stocked knowledge base can save a lot of time so that you can help yourself by searching for the answers to common questions. Consider the extent of the knowledge base and how often it is updated.
- Community networking - forums and blogs are a great way to allow customers to help one another. This is a great way to network and get assistance quickly. Consider the number of active users and frequency of posts.

3. Pricing: Is the cost competitive? Of course price is a consideration especially in tough economic times. Research the cost for your hosting providers comparing each company you consider. Keep in mind that there may be variances in cost based on the available features. So make sure you narrow your choices to the ones that have the features you want first then compare like features. Choose the best combination of cost and features. Also, consider the payment plans and determine if these are convenient for you. Many hosts will extend a discount if you pay an entire year up front. If you cannot afford to do this how often is the bill due?

Considering a free web host? For businesses this is not recommended. Most free hosts make their money on advertising revenue. These ads disrupt your website with pop ups or banners that cannot be removed. It detracts from the professionalism of the site. For personal sites, the ads may be acceptable but with so many budget hosts with good reputations available why risk it?

4. Company Stability: Will your host be there for the long haul? Companies come and go and the web hosting industry can be particularly prone to fly-by-night companies. Added to that is the prevalence of resellers that have bulk accounts through a major host and resell their services. If you deal with a reseller, make sure you research the reputation of the reseller as well as the primary company. Longevity is often an indication of stability. If your host is established in the industry you have a better chance of them being there long term so you won't have to move to another company down the line.

5. Space and Bandwidth: Do you have what you need? Space and bandwidth are primary considerations for your hosting package. The amount of space you need depends on the number and size of the files you will have on your site. Be aware, though, that even large sites typically do not need a lot of disc space so web hosts will offer unlimited disc space or large amounts of disc space as a selling point. The fact is, you will likely not need it so don't put too much emphasis on this.

The bandwidth is the amount of data transfer that occurs when people use your site. The busier and more popular the site, the more bandwidth is used. Make sure you have enough to accommodate your needs. However, be wary if unlimited bandwidth claims. This is a cost the host pays for so if you have an excessive amount you may have a problem. If you are on an unlimited plan make sure you read the fine print. Most web hosts have clauses that will allow them to suspend your site if you use too much.

Most web hosts have graduating packages available where you can upgrade to additional space and bandwidth if needed. This is typically an option when you outgrow your plan and need to upgrade. However make sure to research the cost of exceeding your plan specifications and the policies for how this is handled.

If you carefully consider the five most important questions to ask about a potential new web host it will save you a lot of time, energy and grief in the long run. Carefully researching the possible web hosts before you make a decision will ensure you have a quality service at a competitive rate that will suit your business or personal needs.

Monday 10 August 2020

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Web Hosting Reviews

If you are new to web hosting and want to start an account, you may be overwhelmed at all the options that are available. In order to determine which hosting type best suits your needs you need to first understand the various types along with their primary features.

Additionally, in order to determine which is best for you, it is necessary to analyze the features you want compared to the ones offered with each type along with your budget. You want a good balance of the primary features you need without paying for those you don't.

Free Hosting Vs. Paid Hosting

The first decision you will have to make when you look for hosting services is whether you want to go with a free host or a paid host. There are advantages and disadvantages of both.

For free hosting the main advantage is, of course, that it is free and it may also include free email services. For personal and family websites free hosting can be a good option. However, for professional sites free hosting should be avoided entirely. For either personal or professional web sites, consider the disadvantages of free services:

◉ No domain names

◉ Often includes obtrusive advertising including banner ads on your site, pop ups or pop unders

◉ Software additions are limited

◉ Ability to expand or move your files is limited

◉ Typically does not include databases that are required to run many forms of useful software including blogging tools

◉ Security may not be as sound

◉ Technical support may be nonexistent, slow or limited

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the most popular type of hosting and will suit the majority of both business and personal needs. Most shared hosting companies use a Linux platform though some offer a Windows option as well, usually for a higher rate per month. Most shared hosting packages are scalable so you can start off with a small plan and then increase as your needs change. Some advantages include:

◉ Low cost per month, often discounts are available if paid annually

◉ Most shared hosts offer a variety of add on programs and tools that will help you optimize your site, make it more efficient and dynamic

◉ You can use your own domain and domain email

◉ There is usually adequate to superior customer support

When considering shared hosting, though, you should also be aware of the disadvantages:

◉ You will share space with other sites on the same server that makes your site less secure. However, this risk is negligible.

◉ You may have certain restrictions on software languages supported or file types that are allowed.

◉ You may outgrow your shared hosting environment due to increased traffic and need to move

◉ If you have a sudden spike in traffic, your site may be at risk for suspension due to increased resource usage

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is where your site is housed on a server by itself. The main advantage to this is that you have a lot of autonomy in determining how your resources are allocated and what your server is used for.

This option is well suited for larger companies and high traffic web sites. You can use multiple domains and host additional sites on one server if you so choose. The amount and type of software solutions you install are virtually unlimited. The disadvantages to dedicated hosting are that you need to have a much higher skill set and that is the most expensive option.

Other Hosting Terms

Free versus paid and shared versus dedicated are typically the two main categories of web hosting types available. However, there are some other decisions you may need to make.

Collocation - Collocation is essentially a situation wherein you use your own web server but rent space at a service provider to run it. This is a highly expensive option that requires knowledge and skill. Often this option is used for larger businesses with a dedicated IT department or small web host providers.

Linux Vs. Windows - Most shared hosts use Linux as a platform but some have Windows hosting available. Windows is typically a lot more expensive because it is proprietary software. Windows may be a personal preference or you may have an application that specifically requires Windows.

VPS - Virtual Private Server is a shared hosting plan that acts like a dedicated one. Resources are petitioned and you get a portion of these resources so it looks as if you have your own dedicated server. This is usually more expensive than shared hosting and slightly less expensive than true dedicated.

Managed Hosting - This is a way to have dedicated service without the requirement for substantial knowledge. For more popular sites without a large staff or dedicated IT staff, this is a good option. You can have dedicated space to do with what you want but your needs are taken care of by the hosting company who will configure your server and install software for you.

Reseller Hosting - A reseller is someone who offers hosting services as their own company but uses the resources of the parent company. Small web hosts are often resellers but you may also find resellers in related fields such as website designers or graphic artists who may offer web hosting as a value added service.

Friday 7 August 2020

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews

There are many small businesses, and even micro-businesses, that are not on the web. From single person, part time businesses that border on hobbies, to family owned businesses, there are still many businesses that simply have not joined the 21st century.

For these companies, basic web hosting would boost business and raise profits, yet due to either a fear of technology or simply being unaware of what web hosting and a basic web page could do for their bottom line they remain without a web presence.

Benefits of having web hosting for a small or micro-business

Registering a domain today is easy, as is managing a website through cPanel, which comes standard with most hosting companies. However, some small businesses may still contract a web developer to manage their websites, starting from the design of the website to its regular monthly hosting needs. While this is convenient, many problems may arise from contracting a third party to manage your website and hosting. Common problems with paying your web developer for web hosting are:

◉ If the developer does not pay their hosting bills, the business is negatively affected. Developers come and go and while most have solid business models, there are some that are not as good at managing their businesses. If a web developer does not pay for their hosting, all of the sites will be shut down by the hosting company. It could be weeks before a business becomes aware that they no longer have a website that is functioning. If a small or micro business has a slow month or unexpected expenses and chooses to not pay for their hosting they would at least be aware that their website was down.

◉ The developer could end up owning your trademarked business domain name. Without a specific contract that states otherwise, the developer will be the one registering the domain name or names that the business they are working with is going to use. There have been numerous cases of the developer refusing to give up the domain name should the business arrangement go sour.

◉ Overpaying - With good quality and affordable hosting options available, it makes little sense to pay a web developer more per month for hosting space than the company would pay to have their own web hosting account. Web Developers can purchase reseller accounts or simply big, unlimited hosting packages at discounted rates. The typical model for a web developer is to be able to pay their web hosting bills with the fees charged to only two or three clients, making the fee from all the other clients they have pure profit.

Building a web presence is effective and affordable

With the advancements that the web hosting companies have made to become more customer focused, as well as third party software packages that are either free or very affordable, building a web presence for a business is very easy.

Web hosting companies have worked hard over the past few years to make the process of getting one's web presence going as easy as possible. For example, most web hosting companies have created a web-based control panel to allow the user to change and modify most of the settings for the hosting service, from the mail server to what is displayed when someone tries to go to their domain name.

These web-based control panels are straightforward and work just like any other website, making even the novice to web hosting easily able to change settings and get their web pages up and visible.

The typical web hosting package also has various ways to assist with creating the web content. Templates and template editors are becoming more and more common and the quality of the templates and how deeply they can be edited make them a viable option for many small and micro-businesses needs. What used to be a default page that needed to be replaced with a custom page a few years ago can now be easily modified to look like a custom page in just a few minutes.

There are also software packages that not only allow for the creation of web pages but can upload the web page to the web hosting account. Some do cost money but there are others that are bundled with both Windows and Apple computers and they are free.

Final thoughts

Between the templates available and the free software which is incredibly easy to use, anyone with basic computing skills can create a web presence in short amount of time. With the cost savings of doing the work without an outside consultant, as well as the money saved from using a good budget hosting company, any business can have a web presence quickly and have another way of driving customers to their business.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Web Hosting, Compare Web Hosting, Web Hosting Reviews, Web Hosting

Anyone who intends to have a web presence will benefit from their own personal web hosting. Rather than relying on social networking sites, web hosting gives you all the tools you need to build a proper web presence.

Many web hosting companies exist specifically to help people new to using web hosting and building web pages while others have enough utility that they will work. When considering web hosting for your own personal project, finding a company that is user friendly and offers features that you will use as well as those that you may need in the future are important.


Many people who choose to build their own web site do not do so from scratch and most web hosting companies that cater to personal web hosting know this. Often times, they will include a group of decent looking templates as part of their web hosting package. On top of providing the templates, there is a template editor included to customize the web page. That customization may be as simple as adding text or as detailed as keeping the format but changing layout colors and adding custom graphics.

In some cases, basic templates may be supplied as part of a basic package and more detailed or fancier templates are offered as an add-on item that costs extra.

The allure of using a web hosting company's templates, even if they are limited, is that they are far easier to publish for the novice compared to creating a web page from scratch or using and modifying templates and then uploading them.

Some companies provide walk-throughs for how to do this, however other companies leave the user in the cold to a certain extent, requiring a third-party FTP program rather than allowing for the upload of web pages through the web hosting control panel.

However, the templates offered by many web hosting providers look so much like templates that most people will wish to have their personal web space look more customized and more like "their" personality.

Setup Support and Technical Support

Web hosting companies that focus on personal pages are, in general, aware that their customer base is going to be less technically inclined than the person tasked with securing and using web hosting for even the smallest of businesses. Because of this, they often offer extra support, especially during the beginning of the contract.

There are companies out there that will help setup someone's personal web page as part of their package or will charge a nominal fee to do so. Other people will simply pay for the web page to be created and will have the creator deal with getting it onto their personal web hosting account then do the maintenance work themselves.

Technical support for personal web hosting is also important. While uptime may not be the utmost priority for the person simply wanting their own home on the internet, getting quick responses to their questions and problems is. If an installed application, such as a calendar, or their email server stops working properly, this type of user is going to need assistance fixing what is broken more often than a web hosting expert who is used to tweaking applications and looking through email server logs to root out problems.

Finding a web hosting company with excellent customer support, even if the hosting costs more is incredibly important for the person needing web hosting but has little experience with server-side applications.


There are some common applications and features that anyone looking to host a web site would want and while better versed users know about them or know how to have them installed, the person seeking web hosting should focus on web hosts that offer these applications as part of their available services.

For example, WordPress is a free and incredibly commonly used blog authoring tool, as well as a way to setup dynamic web pages that are easier for the average person to edit and maintain after the fact. Of any single application, it is both the most useful and easy to use on a daily basis and should be one to make sure is at least available with any web hosting package. Mail servers, too, vary in flexibility and available options so finding a web hosting company with top notch mail server technology will become an important thing to consider.

Finally, there are other applications such as dynamic calendars, storefront applications and more that, while they may not ever be used, should be looked at as something that might be convenient in the future.

A person that creates a blog site today may end up selling t-shirts and other merchandise in a couple years because their blog becomes so popular. Having the technology available from their web hosting company to adjust to the ever changing needs of the client ensures that the client remains happy with their web hosting company and also maximizes their return of investment for web hosting.

Sunday 2 August 2020

Domain Names, Web Hosting Review, Web Hosting Guides, Compare Web Hosting

Regardless of your reasons for wanting to get a domain name, finding an appropriate name is incredibly important. Businesses especially need to consider their domain name as it represents their brand on the internet. It needs to be easy to remember and easy to type.

Although imperative for businesses, personal websites and those that are personal but are used to generate extra income will also benefit from being properly named and registered. The easier it is for people to surf to the site, the better.

Choosing a Domain Name and the Proper Extension

If you are running a business, you will find that the closer the domain name is to your business name the better. It is also advisable to use the most common top level domain (TLD) extensions possible, sticking with .com, .net and .org whenever possible.

For example, Widgets, Incorporated needs a web site. They go through one of the domain registration companies and find that is already taken. However, they can go with or Either are good choices but any time there is an option, the dot-com address is going to be the most memorable. may be forgotten and dot-com substituted, taking that company's potential or returning customer to a different website. For Widgets, Inc., they should spend a bit of money to try to purchase the various extensions simply to protect their business identity.

Picking a domain name for an individual has a lot to do with personal preference. For individuals looking for bargain priced sites for their own personal space on the internet, there are many different options that will allow them to have the exact domain name they want, just without the typical .com or .net extension. For example, there is the new extension of .me which was actually created by the naming commission for people to use for individual websites. Non-profit organizations typically choose the .org extension even though there is nothing official stating they have to stick with it as their extension.

Business Tip - Start Scooping up Names before Your Business is Official

If you intend on starting a new business and have not incorporated yet, make sure to start procuring those domain names before you send in the paperwork to make your small business official. Business incorporations are public record and there are some with an entrepreneurial spirit who will buy up domain names of businesses that have recently incorporated.

These entrepreneurs will then mark up the cost of the domain name when they offer to sell it to your company. The mark up can be double, triple, one hundred times or more what they paid to register that domain. They can park whatever they wish on the site too, including links to competitors. It is legal and for the person doing the work it can be very lucrative so be aware of this when you are creating your business.

Researching the internet for your company name can prevent problems as well. There very well may be another company with the same name. As part of creating a business, you will be researching to make sure your name is not already trademarked; their web presence is a very quick way to check before delving deeper into trademark research.

The auto manufacturer Nissan, for instance, does not and likely will never own The domain was registered well before the car manufacturers realized the power of the internet to sell cars. The person with the last name Nissan instead registered it in 1994 and has consistently kept it registered ever since. In naming your new business, be sure it is available as a business name before deciding on it.

Registering Your Domain

There are two ways you can go about registering your domain names and extensions you have chosen. You can use one of the independent registration companies or let your web hosting company do the work. There are benefits to each and depending on how you plan on using your site, you should consider them both.

◉ Benefits of Independent Registration - By registering your domains through an independent site they are truly yours. You will have ownership of the domains and extensions no matter where you go. If you start with bargain hosting for an up-start business and realize you need better customer support and decide to change web hosting companies, your domains easily and seamlessly are carried over to the new company. You control the domain and can sell the domain name at any time to anyone. If your business gets sold, the domain ownership can be transferred immediately.

◉ Benefits of Registering your Domain with your Web Hosting Company - Your web hosting company will often make the registration process easier and quicker. They will remind you when it is time to renew and often offer subsidized prices for domain registration and renewal. However, because they helped register the domain, they can cause some issues should you want to transfer the domain name to another web hosting company. In many cases, the hosting company owns the domain instead of the person or business and while they won't sell out from underneath you, they can choose not to transfer it should you wish to change companies.


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