Monday 3 July 2017

Moving to cloud? That’s great! Cloud computing industry is speedily growing and over past 5 to 10 years, there has been remarkable growth in this sector. Cloud is a structure where you save in maximum costs. Around 72% of companies have moved on to cloud and this percent may increase to 91% within three years from now. It is considered to be one of the essential solutions for those companies that aren’t technically expertise.  Though there are various benefits of cloud server hosting, a business can experience them only when it moves to cloud computing.

Cloud Server Hosting, Web Hosting

Here we list some of the major advantages that one can have by moving to the cloud.

1. Reduces Investment

As all data is stored on cloud, the need to maintain your IT infrastructure is minimal. The money spent on hardware, software and other equipment is saved to great extent. No extra storage resources are required as all the data is safely managed on cloud.

2. Low Cost of Operation

As there is minimum infrastructure setup the need to maintain and upgrade it is also reduced which allows you to save on the maintenance expenses as well and you can operate with less cost which further enhances your productivity. You do not have to spend on expensive software or licenses either which allows you to operate efficiently on a budget.

3. Better Collaboration

When you have your data in the cloud it can be accessed remotely as well allowing your employees to get the desired information from anywhere and collaborate with their peers easily on different tasks along with saving time and cost.

4. Increase Efficiency

As there is less equipment you need less people to manage and look after it which allows you to reduce your expenses further and with less amount of people you can be equally efficient. You can prune the support staff and still be equally productive.

5. Better Accessibility

The cloud can be easily accessed with an internet connection from anywhere and you can have your data wherever you want which makes things a lot easier for you. You can have access to your files without having to be present in your office.

6. Reduced need for training

Since the cloud software is the responsibility of the service provider the employees need not be trained for upgrading to new software which saves a lot of time which would otherwise be spent on training.

7. Better Management

Cloud web hosting allows you to monitor your resources in a better manner. You can always keep track of your projects and plan the resource needs in advance to avoid future problems. This way you can keep a tab on your budget and better manage your projects.


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